
Showing posts with the label MCQ

Biomolecules Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

  Question 1. The number of tripeptide formed by 3 different amino acids. (a) Three (b) Four (c) Five (d) Six. Answer Answer: (d) Six. Question 2. The functional group which is found in amino acids is (a) COOH (b) -NH 2 (c) -CH 3 (d) both (a) and (b). Answer Answer: (d) both (a) and (b). Question 3. The vitamins absorbed from intestine along with fats are (a) A and D (b) A, B (c) A, C (d) D, B Answer Answer: (a) A and D Question 4. Which amino acids is a chiral? (a) Alanine (b) Valine (c) Proline (d) Histidine (e) none of these. Answer Answer: (e) none of these. Question 5. Which of the following biomolecules is insoluble in water? (a) a-Keratin (b) haemoglobin (c) ribonuclease (d) adenime Answer Answer: (a) a-Keratin Question 6. The protein responsible for blood clotting is (a) Albumins (b) Globulins (c) Fibroin (d) Fibrinogen Answer Answer: (d) Fibrinogen Question 7. Which one of them is not a protein? (a) Wool (b) Nail (c) Hair (d) DNA Answer Answer: (d) DNA Question 8. The helical

Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

 Question 1. Among the following compounds, strongest acid is (a) H-C = C-H (b) C 6 H 6 (c) C 2 H 6 (d) CH 3 OH Answer Answer: (d) CH 3 OH Question 2. 1-Propanol and 2-propanol can be best distinguished by (a) Oxidation with KMnO 4  followed by reaction with Fehling solution? (b) Oxidation with acidic dichromate followed by reaction with Fehling solution. (c) Oxidation by heating with copper followed by reaction with Fehling solution. (d) Oxidation with cone. H 2 SO 4  followed by reaction with Fehling solution. Answer Answer: (c) Oxidation by heating with copper followed by reaction with Fehling solution. Question 3. The compound which gives the most stable carbonium ion on dehydration is (a) (CH 3 ) 2 CHCH 2 OH (b) (CH 3 ) 3 COH (c) CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 OH (d) CH 3 CH OH CH 2  CH 3 Answer Answer: (b) (CH 3 ) 3 COH Question 4. In the following compounds:  The order of acidity is (a) III > IV > I > II (b) I > IV > III > II (c) II > I &

Haloalkanes and Haloarenes Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

  Question 1. The most reactive nucleophile among the following is (a) CH 3 O – (b) C 6 H 5 O – (c) (CH 3 ) 2 CHO – (d) (CH 3 ) 3  CO – Answer Answer: (a) CH 3 O – Question 2. CH 3 CH 2 CHCl CH 3  obtained by chlorination of n-butane, will be (a) meso-form (b) racemic mixture (c) d-form (d) 1-form Answer Answer: (b) racemic mixture Question 3. In Friedel-Crafts synthesis of toluene, reactants in addition to anhydrous AlCl 3  are: (a) C 6 H 6  + CH 4 (b) C 6 H 6  + CH 3 Cl (c) C 5 H 5 Cl + CH 3 Cl (d) C 6 H 5/sub>Cl + CH 4 Answer Answer: (b) C 6 H 6  + CH 3 Cl Question 4. S N 1 reaction of alkyl halides leads to (a) retention of configuration (b) racemisation (c) inversion of configuration (d) none of these. Answer Answer: (b) racemisation Question 5. Nucleophilieity order is correctly represented by  Answer Answer: (c) Question 6. Which of the following are arranged in the decreasing order of dipole moment? (a) CH 3 Cl, CH 3 Br, CH 2 F (b) C

The p-Block Elements Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

  Question 1. The isoelectronic pair is (a) Cl 2 O, ICl 2 – (b) ICl 2 –  ClO 2 (c) IF 2 + , I 3 – (d) ClO 2 – , ClF 2 + Answer Answer: (d) ClO 2 – , ClF 2 + Question 2. The correct order of acid strength is: (a) HClO 4  < HClO 3  < HClO 2  < HClO (b) HClO 2  < HClO 3  < HClO 4  < HClO (c) HClO 4  < HClO < HClO 3  < HClO 2 (d) HClO < HClO 2  < HClO 3  < HClO 4 Answer Answer: (d) HClO < HClO 2  < HClO 3  < HClO 4 Question 3. In BrF 3 , molecule, the lone pairs occupy equatorial positions to minimise. (a) lone pair-bond pair repulsions only (b) bond pair-bond pair repulsions only (c) lone pair-lone pair and lone pair-bond pair repulsions (d) lone pair-lone pair repulsions only. Answer Answer: (c) lone pair-lone pair and lone pair-bond pair repulsions Question 4. The ONO angle is maximum in (a) NO 3 – (b) NO 2 – (c) NO 2 (d) NO 2 + Answer Answer: (d) NO 2 + Question 5. The correct order of bond angles (smallest

Solutions Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

  Question 1. The osmotic pressure of a solution is directly proportional to (a) the molecular concentration of the solute (b) the absolute temperature at a given concentration (c) the lowering of vapour pressure (d) all the above. Answer Answer: (d) all the above. Question 2. Isotonic solution are the solutions having the same. (a) surface tension (b) concentration (c) osmotic pressure (d) viscosity Answer Answer: (c) osmotic pressure Question 3. Which of the following is a colligative property? (a) osmotic pressure (b) boiling point (c) vapour pressure (d) electrical conductivity Answer Answer: (a) osmotic pressure Question 4. Which of the following solutions have highest freezing point? (a) 0.1 M NaCl (b) 0.1 M BaCl2 (c) 0.1 M Al2 (SO4)3 (d) 0.1 M urea. Answer Answer: (d) 0.1 M urea. Question 5. Which of the following 0.1 M aqueous solutions will have the lowest freezing point? (a) potassium sulphate (b) sodium chloride (c) urea (d) glucose Ans

The Solid State Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

Question 1. Which of the following transition metal oxides is paramagnetic? (a) TiO (b) VO (c) Cu2O (d) Mn2O3 Answer Answer: (b) VO Question 2. Which of the following transition metal oxides is not an insulator? (a) MnO (b) NiO (c) VO (d) Mn2O3 Answer Answer: (c) VO Question 3. Coordination number in ccp and hep arrangements of metal atoms are respectively. (a) 6, 6 (b) 12, 6 (c) 8, 6 (d) 12, 12 Answer Answer: (d) 12, 12 Question 4. An example of body centered cube is (a) Sodium (b) Magnesium (c) Zinc (d) Copper Answer Answer: (a) Sodium Question 5 Fe3O4 is ferrimagnetic at room temperature but at 850 K it becomes (a) Diamagnetic (b) Ferromagnetic (c) Non-magnetic (d) Paramagnetic Answer Answer: (d) Paramagnetic Question 6. Which of the following is not an example of 13-15 compounds, (a) InSb (b) GaAs (c) CdSe (d) Alp Answer Answer: (c) CdSe Question 7. For tetrahedral coordination, the radius ration (r+/r ) should be (a) 0.155-0.225

Electromagnetic Induction | Chapter 6 MCQ

 Question 1. A circular coil is placed near a straight conductor as shown below. When the current in the straight conductor increases, the current in the coil is (a) clockwise (b) anticlockwise (c) normal to the plane oi coil (d) None of them. Answer Answer: (a) clockwise Question 2. Which of the following gives the direction of the induced e.m.f.? (a) Faraday’s law (b) Lenz’s law (c) Ampere (d) Biot-Savart’s law. Answer Answer: (b) Lenz’s law Question 3. Which of the following is based on the law of conservation of energy? (a) Faraday’s law (b) Lenz’s law (c) Ampere (d) Biot-Savart’s law. Answer Answer: (b) Lenz’s law Question 4. The electric current in a circuit varies from + 2A to – 2A in a time 10-2 s. Another coil of resistance 20 Ω and inductance 2H is placed hear it. What will be the induced current in the second coil? (a) 4A (b) 8A (c) 20A (d) 40A Answer Answer: (d) 40A Question 5. Which of the following instrument do not make use of eddy currents? (a) Electrical brakes (b) Dea